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North Korea Local Elections

North Korea Acknowledges Dissenting Votes in Local Elections

Rare Mention of Opposition in Otherwise Staged Process

Implications for Image and Legitimacy

SEOUL, South Korea (Nov. 28, 2023) - In a rare move, North Korea has acknowledged that some citizens voted against government candidates in recent local elections, marking the first time such dissenting votes have been reported since 1956.

The admission comes amid speculation that the government made a conscious effort to portray an image of normalcy and legitimacy in the elections, which are widely seen as staged.

"The fact that North Korea is mentioning dissenting votes, even if they are likely minimal, shows that the government is aware that its people want to have a say in their own governance," said Park Won-ho, a North Korea expert at the Institute for Unification Studies in Seoul.

The local elections, held on November 26, saw a record voter turnout of 99.63%. However, state media reported that a small number of voters cast "no" votes or abstained from voting in some districts.

While the overall election results were overwhelmingly in favor of government-backed candidates, the mere mention of dissenting votes is a significant departure from previous elections.

Analysts believe that this move may be an attempt by the government to address growing dissatisfaction among its citizens and to burnish its image on the international stage.

"North Korea is trying to show that it is not a totalitarian state where everyone thinks the same," said Kim Byung-yeon, a professor of North Korean studies at Seoul National University.

However, some experts caution that the admission of dissenting votes may be more symbolic than substantive.

"It is unlikely that these dissenting votes will lead to any meaningful change in North Korea's political system," said Jang Se-yoon, a research fellow at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies in Seoul.

"But it does show that the government is aware of the growing discontent among its people and is trying to find ways to address it."
